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Case  /  Launched: 

Case / Launched : 

Everything starts with identity but ends with the control in the hands of the people.



Website Development, WordPress CMS customization, Hosting Management

Graywell Design & Go Studio


MEDSiS is an identity management and big data company that helps countries know their people. Bringing innovative and simple solutions to fix not just financial needs, but instilling in the population, the confidence of leadership while securing the individual’s identity. 


The mission was to create a website that was informative, visually pleasing, and user-friendly. Since this website would be utilized worldwide to engage with leaders, public officials, and citizens, it needed to be accessible on any type of device and enhance the company’s brand and credibility. 


For the MEDSIS website, we partnered with our friends at Go Studio to design the UI. Graphics and copy were developed and tested multiple times before finally approving the final concept. An important item we needed to consider on this website was the need for multi-language translation support. 


The solutions we provided were based on the WordPress CMS due to the extensive language translation services that it can support. Our content delivery network ensures that the website loads quickly for users with even the slowest connections. Since the company is built with security in mind, we utilized the most up to date security transport methods and data encryption to ensure that any data on the site is secured.


The MEDSIS website connects the company with the 30 million+ users who utilize their cryptocurrency and supports the company as they expand into more countries all around the world. 

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