How to install Let’s Encrypt SSL on AWS Bitnami

Graywell Design website security image of online purchase

In the world of website development and app development we are the midst of a transition from conventional hosting to cloud hosting as the new norm. If you manage a cloud server, or own a cloud server you must be certain that you are setting them up to be secure, lest you set yourself or […]

5 Things to know in preparation for GDPR

person on computer with GDPR on screen

With about a week to go till the enforcement of theĀ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), business owners and web developers are in a flurry to ensure that they are all compliant with the new laws. Failure to comply may expose your business to fines and lawsuits, and of course no business or website owner wants […]

How to install wordpress via command line

WordPress installation image

Sidenote: If you are copying and pasting these commands into your terminal, do not copy the #. It is there to notate a block of code. Getting Started First, navigate to the directory which you would like to install the new copy of WordPress to. The default location in ubuntu would be: /var/www/html Once you […]

Gutenberg. Is your site ready for it?

What is Gutenberg anyway? Did you say Steve Gutenberg? No no.. I hate to burst your bubble, but it’s not another police academy movie starring your favorite 80s actors, and it’s definitely not the latest food allergy that you need to cut from your diet. Gutenberg is an updated content editor created by theĀ the WordPress […]

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